For example, upon starting a game: ->'''Sylvanus:''' "The forest here is crying out for help! Grover, onward!" ->'''Grover:''' *grunting noises* ->'''Sylvanus:''' "What do you mean you are thirsty?! We are in a fountain!"īellona is a highly aggressive Warrior goddess who works well at applying overbearing force. some of his lines have him banter back and forth with him. * IntelligibleUnintelligible: Grover doesn't speak any understandable words, but Sylvanus seems to understand him just fine, and crafty enough to properly position him. * HorseOfADifferentColor: Sylvanus rides a treant he's named Grover around the battlefield, clinging to the branches that form Grover's head. * MightyGlacier: Entirely without mobility, but the crowd-control, healing attack, and protections he provides more other than compensate if you're careful Eset with her passive stacked up, the only god to have one.

* HerdHittingAttack: The He's first god with a purely an AOE basic attack. * GuestFighter: Sylvanus has two skins that make him into an entirely different character: one One that makes him into Bob Ross, famed host of ''Series/TheJoyOfPainting'', and the other, from the 2021 ''Series/StrangerThings'' collaboration, turns Grover into the Mind Flayer's avatar from Season 3. He flings exploding seeds for his basic attack, the seed pods he throws for ''Wild Growth'' root enemies hit, or spontanoeusly grow into mana-restoring flowers if they land on the ground.

* GreenThumb: As a nature deity, Sylvanus possesses power over plants and other natural life.